Deniz Ortactepe
Deniz Ortactepe completed both her BA degree in English language teaching and MA degree in Educational Sciences at Bogazici University. After working in Turkey for several years both as a research assistant and as an English teacher, she moved to the United States in 2007 to pursue her doctoral degree at the State University of New York (SUNY) - Albany. Between 2011-2018, she taught in the MA TEFL program at Bilkent University.
Currently, she is an Associate Professor in the MA TESOL/TFL program at Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey. Her research interests are second language socialization, intercultural pragmatics, and sociolinguistics. She has published in Language Teaching, Teaching and Teacher Education, Journal of Language Identity and Education, System, and Language and Intercultural Communication.
Adnan Yılmaz
Adnan Yilmaz received his BA degree in English Language Teaching (ELT) at Istanbul University and MA degree in ELT at Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey. He earned his doctoral degree in the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching at the University of Arizona, the USA.
He currently works as an assistant professor in the ELT Program in Sinop University, Turkey. His research interests include social semiotics, ethnography of communication, intercultural communicative competence, and intercultural pragmatics.
Eyyup Yaprak
Eyyup Yaprak works as an EFL (English as a foreign language) teacher in a public school in Diyarbakır, Turkey. In 2016, he received his BA in English Language Teaching (ELT) at Dicle University and MA degree in ELT at Cukurova University, Turkey. During his BA pursuit, as a part of Erasmus Student Exchange Program, he studied International Teacher Education, and Aesthetic and Learning in Early Childhood Education in University College Zealand (now called Absalon) in Denmark.
In the following summer, he did Erasmus Internship in ELSE Language School in London for three months. He is currently doing his MA in ELT at Cukurova University, Turkey. His research interests include language acquisition, linguistics and educational technology.
Servet Celik
Dr. Servet Celik is an associate professor and head of the Department of Foreign Language Education at Trabzon University, Turkey. He holds a bachelor’s degree in ELT from Gazi University, Turkey; a master of education degree in TESOL from the University of Pennsylvania, USA, and a doctoral degree in Literacy, Culture, and Language Education from Indiana University-Bloomington, USA. Dr. Celik has extensive experience as an English language teacher educator and has participated in national and international projects relating to curriculum design and teacher professional development. Some of his research interests include teaching for diversity; intercultural awareness; and the issues surrounding multilingualism and multiculturalism in pluralistic societies.
In line with these interests, he has been an active participant in large-scale Turkish and European projects, including service as a national expert for Turkey on the European Commission Directorate-General of Education and Culture project, "How Initial Teacher Education Prepares Student Teachers to Deal with Diversity in the Classroom," in addition to his role as the Executive Co-editor of the international research journal Sustainable Multilingualism (ISSN: 2335-2019) published by De Gruyter.